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Mariette Carstens is available for Talkshops or Workshops. 

Conscious Teacher Training
(Refresher course available as well)

During this training we discuss the principles and understanding of behaviour as a symptom due to a potential energetic disturbance. The techniques discussed empower teachers to better manage behaviour in the class (mainstream and special educational settings). We focus on effective strategies to manage behaviour e.g. techniques to fade inappropriate behaviour out, visual aids, structure and rewards/consequences. This helps teachers to move from chaos and control to cooperation and collaboration with the classroom.

Conscious Parenting and Play 
From Havoc to Harmony at Home

This can be done in a workshop format, online training as well as an online course (November 2020).


It is geared towards parents, we focus on the principles and understanding of behavior as a symptom and energetic disturbance. This knowledge can help parents to better manage behavior at home and outside of the home. It helps both mom and dad form a united front that is better able to manage the behavior effectively. 

Heilkunst and Homeopathy Introduction Workshop

An introduction into the options and principles of treatment as well as correct life-style choices to support the family through Homeopathy.

Homoeopathy Home Kit
Training Sessions

This session helps to empower parents to become independent, essentially the doctor in their home, treating the usual ailments that may come up; allergies, inflammation, fever, pain, rashes, coughs, colds, bee stings, injuries. snotty noses, vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation etc. Home kits are an essential tool to nip any developing illnesses in the bud and support the elimination symptoms of the body as it comes back into balance. 

Sandy Beach

Book Mariette for a Workshop or Talk

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