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Mother and Son



Holistic Behaviour, Communication and Social Interaction support services

About Safa Mumtaz Veliyakath


We are very excited to introduce you to our Speech, Language and Communication Educational Specialist, Ms. Safa Mumtaz Veliyakath. 


Safa obtained her Bachelor Degree in 2015 from the Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing.


She also furthered her studies and completed her Masters Degree in 2017, from the Dr. MV Shetty College of Speech and Hearing.

She has been working with children with communication disorders, with or without Developmental Disorders. She carries out a thorough assessment and creates a comprehensive Individual Educational Support Plan addressing behaviour, connection, speech, language and communication difficulties that impact the learning and relationships of students.     ​

She believes that children should be deeply connected to the educational support process and should feel like they are having fun while they are learning and communicating.


We teach what we learn and learn what we teach and Safa is therefore very passionate about this special connection with the children in her care.


Safa is fully trained within the holistic behaviour model and can therefore deal with behavioural symptoms that might get in the way of achieving goals within the session.


She is able to work on attention and focus within the session and can address all the behavioural symptoms as well as meet the speech, language, and communication needs of all students on a highly individualized and differentiated level. 

Socials Skills Group sessions

Students typically attend weekly behaviour and or language support sessions and then have an opportunity to practise their new skills within a safe and structured environment with their peers.


During these group sessions, children can interact with each other and generalise their skills from the individual environment and connection with an adult to interact with peers in a group setting. This is an incredible opportunity and supports the generalization of the skills from the individual to the group as well as from the therapy room to the classroom.


Parents are guaranteed a faster and more consistent result for the investment they make in their child’s future through the therapy.  

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